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The Collective is a secular, inclusive, LGBTQ+ affirming nonprofit organization established for the purpose of bringing together Northeast Ohio's homeschooling families for social enrichment and educational opportunities. The Collective is firmly committed to being pro-science and to teaching children to use logic, reason, and their own innate creativity for the benefit of themselves, their communities, and the world.


The Collective supports the role of vaccination in keeping our community healthy.  Up-to-date vaccination, including for COVID-19, is strongly encouraged for all members (adults and kids).  Masking is optional (with some illness-related exceptions), but fully supported, for indoor and outdoor activities. The Collective will make changes to these guidelines as needed.


To join the Collective, at least one child in the member family must be school-age (5+) and traditionally homeschooled.  Students enrolled in public school at home programs such as OHVA or Ohio Connections Academy may not register for the Collective. Younger siblings are welcome. The Collective is not a drop-off program and parents must remain on site and engaged at all times.  We are unable to allow children to attend without their parents.


Two Membership Options

Option #1

Love the idea of meeting weekly with other homeschooling families during the school year?  Join the Collective's co-op!


Option #2

Once-a-month meet-ups more your jam?  Join our trips & events group.


Option #1: Our Weekly Co-op Membership

Membership is $75 per child per school year (September to May) regardless of when during the year a family joins.  If cost is a barrier, please contact us.  We're happy to make payment arrangements so that all interested families are able to join.

The Collective co-op meets on Thursday afternoons for three 2-month sessions:


Fall:  September-November
Winter:  January-March
Spring:  March-May


Our Thursday schedule:

11:30-12:00    Set-up

12:00-12:30    Lunch

12:30-3:30     Activity periods
3:30-4:00      Clean-up


We meet in an Akron suburb central to our member families, who come to us from all over Northeast Ohio!

At the Collective, we work collaboratively to run our program.  Everyone helps to facilitate activities, and it is essential that all parents participate in ways that reflect their strengths.


Co-op members have automatic access to at least 1-2 field trips and/or special events during each of our active months.  Field trips and special events are always optional.  There may be additional fees for field trips, special events, and certain classes and activities.  Click HERE to fill out an application for the Collective's co-op.


Option #2: Our Trips & Events Only Membership

This $25 annual membership option (yes, it's really $25 for the whole family for the entire school year!) is perfect for those who want the consistency of meeting with the same families regularly, but who like the idea of gathering on a less frequent basis.  Your trips & events membership gives you access to all of the Collective's monthly field trips and special events for the current school year.  Any field trip or special event fees are in addition to the $25 annual membership fee, which goes towards insurance and other group costs. 


Join the Collective's co-op later in the same year?  Your $25 trips & events membership fee will be applied to your co-op fees!  Click HERE to register for the Collective's trips & events group.

©2024 by NEO Homeschool Collective

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